
“er chou”


面试官分别是主办方的创意总监chris harverd、摄影师青木,还有设计师中村西子。

他们翻看了周迩所带来的odel book,让她走了一段台步。

结束后,青木先开口道:“i checked your shots on the ter,and i found a stunng picture which is not here(我有在网上搜你的照片参考,但是这里并没有那张非常惊艳的照片。)”

“which one(哪一张?)”

“you are sittg a gss box(你坐在玻璃箱子里的那张。)”

“do you like that(你喜欢那张?)”

“yeah,i love the way you ist your body,and the otion your eyes(是的,我喜欢你身体扭曲的样子,还有你眼中的情绪。)”



不久,中村西子摘下她的金边眼镜,问道:“i heard the news about your st show and i saw the video onleuld you tell why you threw the belt away(我知道关于你上一次走秀的新闻,也看了那段影像,你能告诉我为什么你扔了腰带吗?)”

“the belt’s ce hooked up the stage,i had no choice but to throw itotherwise,i would fence the whole show and the next odel’s walkafter the show,i apologized to the designer,and she aepted it(腰带上的蕾丝勾住了舞台,我当时没有办法只能甩掉它,否则会影响整个秀和接下来要走秀的人。事后我有向设计师道歉,她接受了。)”

中村西子点点头,又问道:“can you change clothes?(那你能换下衣服吗?)”

“swig suit?(泳衣吗?)”

“no,y design(不,是我设计的衣服。)”