arthur到此看向查尔斯和海伦娜开口道:“you guys don't deserve to spend this ti with , becae i jt solved a little draa for you, and you owe a favor, and return, how about you go ho today and fet you ever saw ?”(你们今天没资格和我这么耗,刚刚我帮你们解决了一场闹剧,你们也算是欠了我一个人情,作为偿还人情,我劝你们,今天还是赶紧乖乖回家,就当没见过我们如何?)
查尔斯听到这开口道:“how is that possible? your wanted list is still up at the station, arkha you can't get , but the station, you can get , and we're gonna take you to aunt barbara and do whatever she wants”(那怎么可能?你的通缉令名单还在警局挂着呢,阿卡姆你进不去,但是警察局,你还是可以进的,我们要抓了你去交给芭芭拉阿姨,听她发落)
arthur听到这开口道:“you guys? i hope you did a good job”(就凭你们吗?但愿你们做的到才好。)
雪海听到这看向arthur开口道了一声:“arthur, be careful”(arthur,小心一点。)
第16章 吉妮(中)
arthur听到这看向雪海开口道:“don't worry, snow sea baby, i won't worry you so uc□□ give a few utes, and when i' done with this, we'll go ho”(放心吧,雪海宝贝,我不会让你这么担心的,给我几分钟的时间,等我解决完这件事以后,我们就回家。)到此arthur捧起雪海的脸,吻上了雪海的唇做安抚,雪海到此配合着arthur加深着这个吻